Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back Road Church...

Diggin Dog...

Diggin Dog...
Originally uploaded by Backroad Drifter

Old House

sunday 001
Originally uploaded by Backroad Drifter

Unspoken Words...

Unspoken Words...
Originally uploaded by Backroad Drifter
We often speak silently
You and I
Understanding each other
by a look or a touch
Unspoken words
that linger on faces
hide behind laughter
understood by a touch.
Blinded by tears
and found
only with years
spent together...
I never
heard them before
i loved you...
and we do
speak silently
you and i
you talk to me
with words
that need not be said
that which goes
without saying.

connetta Jean 1979